Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who's That in the Mirror?

Hi Everyone,

We recently enjoyed a few days on the Sunshine Coast at the State ACC Conference.  It was a great week in every way possible.  Great place (Mooloolaba & Buderim), great worship, great ministry and great friends.  There is a lot of networking that goes on, both rekindling of old friendships and forming of new ones.

Have you ever heard that saying that the older you get, you get to see your mum in the mirror?...

Well I had the most brief but beautiful moment.  As I was walking out of the auditorium I walked past a man who knows my parents well.  They spent time together in Papua New Guinea years ago.  The first second he looked at me there was no recognition, and then it was as if the image of my mother in me put two and two together in his mind and he said a quick hello with a smile.

Recognition by connection with my mother.

This is the point.  The fact that I bear the image of my mother in such a way that people who really don't know me, connect her to me in their thinking brought me enourmous pride and comfort.

Then I got to thinking... we are image bearers of God "Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us" (Gen 1:26 NLT)  We are created in His image.  When we go through our lives we should be able to draw confidence and comfort from the fact that we are no mere accident of evolution, we bear HIS image!!

Secondly, we are called to be like Jesus.  "For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters." (Romans 8:29 NLT)

"But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing.  To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?"  (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 NLT )

What a delightful thought, that everywhere we go we carry His image and His fragrance.  I want to be more and more  like Him, because I want everyone who meets me to recognise Him. 

Until next time,

Friday, September 14, 2012


Hi everyone,
Today I just want to share something out of my journal. I hope that it is an encouragement for you.

"Psalm 40:5  "Many O Lord my God (Selah!) are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts towards us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered."
Wow!  First of all that delightful "fill your sails with pure air statement... "O Lord MY God"  What an overwhelmingly massive privilege to be able to say of the Lord - Creator and Sustainer of the universe... "MY God."  That does nothing less than breathe rock solid security and peace into my life and soul. 
I know Who I belong to and somehow by His amazing grace... He is mine!  Talk about the 'forces of the universe being on my side' - The Holy One behind the universe is on my side! 
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"  Romans 8:31
Right now it is so easy to believe this. My world is peaceful, my cup is running over.  Even the sound of my favourite bird is cooing away in my back garden.
But what about when everything is conspiring against me?  All I can see is the backside of the tapestry that makes up my life ... and it's full of knots and loose ends!
Have you ever heard of the story of the five blind men trying to identify an elephant? Each of them only had the perspective of the section they could touch.  Part was rough, part was smooth, some was soft and some was hard. They all debated until a man who could see it all said, "It's an elephant".
The Lord, the One who stands outside of the limitations of our experience and yet is intimately in touch with it can see the front side of the tapestry and says, "Trust Me, it's all coming together perfectly." 
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11
No matter what the experience of your life, never be afraid to say, "O Lord MY God".
Until next time,
Love, Lynda


Friday, August 31, 2012

Going Against The Grain..

Hi Everyone,

So good to be back here again. I've had a very exciting couple of months, and yes, out of those couple of months I have learned some things :) 

I had my first trip overseas since 2001!  It was a short trip, but a full one.  We (Astrid and I) went to visit a friend who is volunteering in Cambodia for the year.  When Renee went I had it in my heart to go and visit her about half way through her time. I wanted to stand beside her, encourage her and see what else we could do to support her. 

It's a big thing for a young woman to live in a developing country for a year as a volunteer.

We had a wonderful time. What a beautiful country and a beautiful people.  Renee helps in village schools by teaching English and other basics and also visits and helps at an orphanage.  We simply shadowed Renee for the week which was wonderful.  This took us into authentic Cambodian communities, something we felt privileged to do.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cambodia's treasure is not her temples, but her beautiful people.  For such a suffering nation they have such a warm and personable nature.

The decision to go and visit was something I thought on for a while before mentioning it to Jeff (my husband) and Murray (my boss).  With their agreement I started to make the plans.  The week before we left somebody asked me what had prompted me to make this trip.  Was it a strong sense of the call of God to do this?  Did I have a specific time and place and chapter and verse? ... No.  I simply felt the urge to go and lend support to Renee and had a quiet sense of peace about it.  I certainly never felt it was not a good thing to do. 

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful" (Colossians 3:15)

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Romans 8:16)

This quiet peace of God seemed to say 'yes' as The Spirit Himself seemed to bear witness with mine that it was a good move. 

This is an important part of the lesson that I learned because there were a couple of things mitigating against this trip.

1.  Money.  We are planning a big life-time trip to England next year.  Could we afford for me to do this first?  I felt a bit guilty spending this first, but again had a quiet sense of "It's OK" along with ...
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8  The week before we left, a decision had to be made about buying a car.  It was difficult to get the money for that, and I can tell you that the enemy had a field day with me.  "What makes you think you can fly off on a missions trip when you can't even afford a car??"  Shame and embarrassment had me in its grip.
Well the good news is, that I was able to get the car (I signed the papers the morning that I left) and the trip has presented no financial hardship at all. :)  God indeed is Jehovah Jireh!

2.  Safety.  Jeff did ask me if I would be safe, going to a '3rd world' nation.  I suggested to him that I might be safer than a younger woman.  Leading up to the trip a woman of similar age to me was murdered in neighbouring Thailand.  Mmmm, " for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city" (Acts 18:10)  Never underestimate the power of a simple daily Scripture reading plan. Time and again The Lord has quickened to me just what I needed to hear, at just the right time.

3.  My own capacity. Was I up to it? Would I find myself freezing in my natural reserve in the face of a different culture and language?  Would the challenge of seeing such poverty and suffering turn my world upside down? How would I manage the climate, (it was the rainy season), would we have to take long walks through muddy villages to get to where we were going? After all, I'm by no means old, but I'm not a spring chicken either!
It makes me smile to think of those fears.

It didn't rain the whole time we were there. Transport was brilliant ... I love tuk-tuks! The poverty? Yes it is definitely there. But of course I learned that big houses, beautiful cars, and the trappings of western life are not necessary to happiness. These people are getting on with their lives and doing all they can to improve it. I hardly saw any of the discontent and grumpiness that is so familiar to us here in the west.

4.  Bereavement.  A few short weeks before our trip Jeff's mother passed away.  She was unwell for about a month and Jeff had a trip down to Victoria to visit her, came home and within a week we were driving back down for her funeral.  I have always considered myself blessed by Jeff''s family and Dorothy was a wonderful mother-in-law.  The last thing I wanted to do was fly off overseas. What I wanted to do was hibernate at home with Jeff. I certainly was in prayer about that.  I was meant to be excitedly counting down to going, not coming back! 

The Sunday evening before we left we watched the "Facing The Giants" movie.  One scene that has so rescued me before, spoke yet again, but in a different way.  As the young man is struggling to crawl blind-folded with the weight of a team member on his back his one question was, "Where is the finish line?" (or something like that).  The coach said, "Don't think about that, just give this moment all you have!" 

What a brilliant strategy for me.  I determined that every day I was there I would not think about coming home, I would embrace what each day brought and give my heart to it.

What is the point of me sharing this with you?  It really doesn't take much to go overseas for a few days, I didn't suffer in anyway, quite the contrary... it was great fun - truly!

The point of this post is to encourage you to follow the peace of God, not your fears and not your emotions. 
It is also to encourage you to step out on the Still Small Voice. Don't wait for a great fanfare, just be prepared to change your plans should He direct. 
I also want you to know that if you step out you might well be surprised by the sheer pleasure of what God brings into your world. 

The experience of that short trip to Cambodia turned out to be a delightful discovery of a different culture, a different country, and a beautiful people. It was also very timely for Renee and for us ... simply to find out exactly how we could better support her.

I don't know what new venture you are facing ... But let me encourage you to step out in a joyous expectancy of delightful surprises, you never know whats around the corner!

Till next time (hopefully sooner than this time!)

be blessed.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Love's Certainty

Hi everyone,

Since last writing here I have been so blessed!  I had the best mother's day that could be had.  All the family came home for lunch.  We had four generations in the one house!  Mum & Dad (Great Granparents), Us, (Grand Parents)  our children and their children.  It doesn't get much richer than that :)  

Apart from all the people noise, Michael and Emma brought a chainsaw and ute, and the guys got straight down to getting rid of some trees that were threatening our plumbing and tidied up some others.  I felt truly loved and cared for, not to mention relieved.  I love to boast, we have the best men in our family that ever could be had - thanks guys!

We had a great Church Camp with Ray & Joy Graetz, top ministry and so good to spend time away with our Church family.  Next was the "One Voice" conference in Brisbane, and again top ministry from all the speakers.  I especially was encouraged by Jane Evans messages on walking in the right place on our path, and learning to walk straight.  They were priceless messages to my heart at this time.

Now to my main thought...

Do you remember what it was like to really 'like' someone and be unsure if they 'liked' you?  I well remember picking petals from daisies, "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not..." as if a random petal from a daisy could truly tell me what his intentions were! Somehow though it brought comfort...

To love someone and not have that returned is painful in the extreme. 

What I love about God, is that our love is safely invested in Him.  We can be sure of His love in return.  The following words from Isaiah 26 (the Message) so resonated with me that I wanted to share them with you..

              "We're in no hurry, God. We're content to linger in the path sign-posted with your
               decisions.  Who You are and what You've done are all we'll ever want.  Through
               the night my soul longs for You. Deep from within me my spirit reaches out to You."

What a beautiful expression of love and trust.  Can you think of any human being you could safely say that to? Very few I'm sure.  What I love about walking with God is that I can freely and happily express these thoughts and never fear embarrassment or rejection.  Listen to what He says to us...

              "He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me was love."

This tells me that He is not shy about loving me.... He is waving a banner of loving ownership over my life.  Banners are used to publicly announce, celebrate or advertise something.  There is nothing secret or shy about it!  My goodness, this thought just makes me want to sing!

Well you might well be saying that this is all well and good, but He couldn't possibly love me ... I haven't done anything to deserve it, and I certainly don't love Him. ... Let me answer this fear with His own words out of His own Bible....

              "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)

and the well known John 3:16-17 ...
             "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

What a magnificently sweet place of abandon to be able to give our hearts and lives completely and openly in loving trust to God, who never turns us away!  In this is a strong place of personal identity and security, and a deep well of love from which we can love others.

With love,

Friday, May 11, 2012

Lost & Found

Hi everyone,

As I sit to write it is the end of a satisfying day at home.  Lots of necessary work done, a visit from family, and the electric blanket put back on our bed ready for the very cold nights coming up. 
There's nothing better than getting your home back in order is there?

there's a problem...   I can't find the switch to my side of the blanket! Please don't ask me how I manage to lose one switch, while still having the other - I don't know.  It's one of the mysteries of being me.  It'll turn up I'm sure.

Never mind, one has to look on the bright side and let me tell you there is a VERY BRIGHT SIDE to this.  Remember my last post about my jewelery?  Remember that I had some lost pieces?  Well there was one piece I had in mind when I wrote that. It was a very treasured piece and I felt it's loss very keenly.  I inherited it from my grandmother.  It has been missing for a number of years.  The last time I remember seeing it was at a district ladies camp, I think around four years ago.  I have scoured my home, rang the camp site, and eventually gave up on ever finding it.

I was looking for the electric blanket switch and of course you know... I found it tonight!!!

Another thing I found was the very first Bible I bought after I came to Christ.  It holds such memories, not the least of which was the evening I bought it.  That will be another post one day.

At the front of the Bible I had written something which has something about how the Lord feels about people who are lost ... By the handwriting I imagine it was written very early on. Probably 17 years old at the time....

"Jesus Came to Set Men Free...
He didn't come to make you fit into a religous mould. He came that you could be who you are and not be ashamed or frightened. He came so that we could have fellowship with God. He loves us and doesn't want to send us to hell or punish us.  He wants to bring us close to His heart so He can bless us with peace, joy and plenty of love.
He wants to restore all that you ever lost through sin. Sin is like cancer.  It spreads and eventually kills you.
Jesus can break that and give back life abundantly. You would live life to the fullest knowing that you are forgiven, loved, accepted.  God doesn't want to punish us. Jesus took all that on the cross for us..    .........But just like any gift this is not yours until you take it."

There are many things I have had and lost.  Thankfully Jesus has a hold of me.  How do I know?
Decades later I know not just because I wrote this, but because I have experienced it and continue to.  I know these words are absolutely true and haven't lost the delight of being His.

John 1:11-12 "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name"

                Why not talk to Jesus today .... Receive Him ..... And believe (trust) in Him.

My prayer is that you know how loved you are ... and that you might have the sheer delight of finding something you have lost!

With love,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Beautiful Treasures

Hi everyone,
Last week I got around to doing something I had been planning to do for a couple of weeks.  It was my day off, and I went through my jewellery box. I carefully took stock of what I had as I arranged them on a white table cloth. 
I put them out in categories and sets. Rings together, bracelets, necklaces, pearls and chunky costume jewellery.  I put empty chains together, and then grouped the pieces that would be used on those empty chains.

It was such a delightful task!  I realised that I had a lot more than I realised.  I cleaned up the various pieces, polishing them up with my cloth until they shone bright and clear again.

Once sorted out I wanted another box to put them in to maintain this new sense of order. I found one that was left behind by one of our daughters, cleaned it up and it is now positioned beautifully next to the original box.

As I looked over this array of jewellery I realised that each piece represented someone, something, or some time. Every piece had a treasured memory attached to it.  Each piece caused me to fondly remember a time, place or person.  It didn't matter if it was expensive or not.

Each piece was treasured because of what or who it represented.

I also thought about the pieces that were not there, or that were damaged.  Those pieces also have a treasured memory attached, and I wished I still had them!

There is so much here....

I do love jewellery, and am always looking in the shop windows. Jeff tells me surely I have enough, but I assure him a woman can never have too much! ;)  However, as I looked over this assortment that I already have I realised how blessed I am!  Contentment is a wonderful thing....

Sometimes we feel as if we are short or lacking.  Not quite good enough and so we live with this vague and nagging sense of shame.  It cripples us and causes us to become demanding, both to ourselves and the people around us.  Philemon verse 6 says, "that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus"  Perhaps it is a good thing every now and then to take stock of what is good IN US, giving thanks that it is because of Christ Jesus. It will certainly go a long way to shaking off that vague sense of shame & lack.

Next, this little exercise reminded me of a verse found in Malachi 3:17.... 

                               "They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts,
                                “On the day that I make them My jewels".

Do you know that the Lord wants you to be a part of that day?  As each piece of my set of jewellery has a place of value to me, so you do to God.

You might feel like the crown jewels, or you may feel like a piece of cheap costume junk, it makes no difference. God is fully aware of your history, and yet He has a place for you in His personal set of treasure.
You might need a clean up, you may need to be dropped in the cleaning solution or to brushed carefully to get the dirt out.  You may need a vigourous rub down with a polishing cloth, but that doesn't indicate rejection, it indicates your value. 

Hebrew 12:5-11 (The Message)
So don't feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children?
My dear child, don't shrug off God's discipline,
but don't be crushed by it either.
It's the child he loves that he disciplines;
the child he embraces, he also corrects.
God is educating you; that's why you must never drop out. He's treating you as dear children. This trouble you're in isn't punishment; it's training, the normal experience of children. Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves. Would you prefer an irresponsible God? We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us, so why not embrace God's training so we can truly live? While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God's holy best. At the time, discipline isn't much fun. It always feels like it's going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it's the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God.

I could have tossed out, or given away those pieces that looked dull; but because of their personal value to me I took the time and care to clean them up.

I had to find more room, once I had detangled the various pieces. 

Do you know that God has plenty of room for you? However, it may involve being moved from 'one box to another'.  Rearrangement is never nice.  We get used to our spot, our position, our comfort zone. But sometimes in order for our lives to move forward one door closes in order for another to open.  Please don't fight against this. It may be painful, it may be unsettling, but don't resist or become bitter when God is making changes that ultimately will be a blessing both for you and for others.  It's not rejection, it's just making room for increase!

Are you out of His collection at the moment? I wish I could have those pieces back, but I myself don't have the power to get them back; and because my jewellery pieces are inanimate pieces with no soul or power to DO anything, and I am not God, I probably will never get them back.

But you are different...

You are alive, you have soul, and you have the power of choice.  And God is different, He has the power to find you and to draw you back and to help.

Today, I want to encourage you.  God has a day circled when He is going to 'make up His jewels', and His wish is that you be part of that.  Come back, don't be afraid of the clean-up process or the positioning.  Let Him have the pleasure of seeing you there, and let your world have the pleasure of seeing you bright, clean, whole and brilliant for Him.

Till next time,
with love,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Timing is everything....

Hi everyone,
Have you every stressed about a plan coming together?  Are you the kind of person that likes to know you've got all the ducks in a row?  I know that I can be.  I have been known to 'jump the gun' a time too often in my efforts to avoid disaster only to make things ten times worse! 

There are at least two stories in the Bible that demonstrate God's flawless timing.The first one that comes to mind is found in 2 Kings 8:1-6.  The king is enjoying stories from Gehazi, the servant of Elisha. He had just finished hearing about the woman who's son Elisha raised from death, when who should walk in but the woman herself!  She had come to ask for the restoration of her land and of course there could not be a better time ever to ask the king when he had just heard this amazing story about her!

The second one I want to focus on is found in Esther 6.  If you have a strong sense of justice it is enormously satisfying! It involves a king yet again.  The poor guy couldn't sleep and so to try and settle he read through some recent history.  As he read he found that a man called Mordecai had been instrumental in saving his life.  He asked his advisors if Mordecai had been rewarded for this act and found out that, no, he hadn't.

Now Mordecai had an arch enemy, Haman. Haman was hell bent on destroying Mordecai, in fact he had slipped in a law that empowered him to see not only Mordecai killed, but all of his people.  Haman was a very proud man and thought that he was the king's favourite. He wasn't just proud, he was deluded.

Just as the king was trying to work out what to do for Mordecai, Haman came in to ask the king if he could hang Mordecai on some gallows he had purpose built.  Before he could utter his request the king asked him for some advice.

"What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honour?" 

Mordecai, thinking the king was talking about him went on to request every possible honour of the very highest kind, even to the audacity of riding on the king's horse and wearing the king's robe and crest. 

The king liked this idea and replied, "Hurry, take the robe and the horse, as you have suggested, and do so for Mordecai...." 

Can you imagine the humiliation that this wicked Haman felt?  But what I love about it is the split second timing. 

It got me thinking. 

Do you know that God has plans for you?  Awesome and beautiful plans.  Plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Do you know that He is thinking thoughts about you - good thoughts.  (Psalm 139:17-18)  Just as King Ahasuerus was planning to bless and honour Mordecai, God has planned some great things for you. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Do you know that the enemy, satan, has plans for you as well?  (1 Peter 5:8) So at any given time, and particularly at significant moments in your life both The King of kings and Lord of lords has a plan and satan, our enemy has a plan. 

The good news is this - they are not equal in power or authority.  God is the Creator, and satan is the created.  The other bit of good news is this - God is The Absolute Expert in perfect timing!

We can walk stress free in perfect peace, not ever worrying about how things will turn out.  All we need to do is walk in integrity and obedience, trusting God and know that He who calls each of the stars by name can easily manage to organise the details of our lives and carry out to perfection the plans He has for us.

Yes, timing is everything.
How good it is to know that "OUR TIMES ARE IN HIS HANDS"

With love,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Treasure's from the Secret Place

Hi Everyone,

Hope you have had a really good week.

Today is a special day.  Nicole & Nigel's wedding anniversary. 6 years!  I quick think back to when Jeff & I were married 6 years helps me to realise that in spite of their youth and the big load they carry, they are well and truly up to it.  When we were in our sixth year we felt quite relaxed and experienced, certainly not young novices. We also had three children and at the end of that year took on the responsibility of a church.  Why is it that as parents, we constantly have to remind ourselves that our children are actually no longer children! :) - Anyway ... CONGRATULATIONS NIGEL & NICOLE!! You are a constant delight to us xx

Now for the Treasures....
Over the last few months I find myself in a change in season. This has been both in my personal life and ministry.  While it is wonderful, it is also uncertain.  At times I feel like I could lose my way.  One of the things that has been an enourmous help has been the habit of regular personal devotional time.  Sticking to a Bible reading plan, praying... and journalling.

1. Bible Reading Plan  This may sound a little mechanical and to be honest at times I come to it thinking, "I don't really want to read this boring bit".  However, the benefits of sticking to the plan are this.  Firstly, it takes me through the whole of Scripture giving me the Whole Counsel of God, not just the bits that make me feel good.  Secondly, I don't have to think about where to read, I just follow the plan. Finally, it has amazed me time and time again how The Lord has used some seemingly obscure and 'boring' passage to bring just the Word I needed! When we follow the plan IN FAITH & OBEDIENCE it is amazing how God blesses it. 

2. Prayer   What a privilege and delight to have the safe place of prayer. To wake up every morning KNOWING that we have our Father in heaven who really does love us. Who really does care.  Who really does GET IT. Christian, do you realise what a gift that is?  So many people wake up feeling that there is no God and if there is, that He just doesn't care. I can't imagine what that would feel like, and I am constantly grateful.  So my prayer time is an honest expression of my heart, whether it's good or bad.  Psalm 62:8 says, "Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us"  What an invitation!

3.  Journalling  The picture to the left was taken in the Blue Mountains.  If I remember correctly, this hole in the rock was a place that early pioneers dug so that cool clean water could be stored.  It was there for when they came past that spot again in their travels, or for others following on afterwards.  How essential to their survival these little water caves were! 
Journalling is like one of those water caves. 
Remember, I talked about the uncertainty of my changing world?  Well, a few weeks ago I went through last years journalling and summarised it.  It gave me the most wonderful overview of consistent guidance and instruction.  I could see how God has been speaking to me and in these times of change, it helps to keep me focused and on track.  It answers my doubts with faith and gives me courage. I just read that snapshot a few minutes ago and what a blessing it is!

Please let me encourage you to make your devotional time a priority and perhaps include journalling. I promise you that you will NOT REGRET IT, not even once.

Hope this is an encouragement,
With love,

Monday, February 20, 2012


Hi everyone,
     I was looking for something I need for work and happened to stumble across a pile of old notes/journal entries.  Thought I would put this one here... its a real blast from the past... a very old treasure as its dated 23/8/1980 !


     "When can we say the above? When we are truly convinced of His love for us. When we are convinced that 'all things work together'. Then we can really say this and know that He is lovingly working out His will in our life.

     Jesus said, "verily verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it dies it bringeth forth much fruit." (John 12:24).  When that corn falls to the ground it would probably get trodden underfoot - no-one would see it. It would seem so insignificant - that is except to God, who is watching everything and everybody.  But in the end it is worth it because "it bears much fruit"! 

     When we feel that we are a tiny insignificent seed that has been dropped to the ground - when we feel that no-one sees us and even worse - they walk all over us, we should look up to the "Lord of the Harvest" and take root in the good soil and be fed by His Word and ask for the rain of His Spirit to refresh us.  Then wait patiently for Him to lift us up at the right time!

     He is watching and waiting lovingly for that fruit to be evident in our lives.

Psalm 37 & 1 Peter 5:5

Thanks for your time in reading this - I hope it's an encouragement :)

Till next time,
Love, Lynda

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hi everyone,

This is the last day of quite a challenging week.  Jeff has been away visiting his family in Victoria since last weekend, so of course I have been alone.  I quite enjoy 'alone time' but by now I am well and truly over it!  I'm looking forward to have Jeff's very comfortable company around again. :)

What made this week interesting was my decision to not watch TV.  Tragic I know that this was such a challenge....It was also rash and stupid that I announced to the Church last Sunday night that I would do this. That was not done to boast, but to be accountable.

There are two things I can tell you.  One that it actually was difficult.  I found that not having my usual comfort zone on the couch, I had to dig out another one with some worship music and my Bible or a good book.  Once I managed to push that door open I found it absolutely delightful!  So now I have made a couple of cozy comfort zones in my world ... but one thing is for sure; I have discovered that I can't be in both at the same time.
.........I have to shut one door in order to go through the other - Life certainly is a series of choices and we can't have it all after all.

With love,

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Justify your existence...."

Hi everyone,

It's Friday and the end of a busy week.  It started off with a day in Toowoomba at our District Leaders Day which was great.  Lots of practical inspiration and instruction, and lots of catching up with some really great people, including Emma Rose and my Mum & Dad - Wonderful!!

"Busy" is been a word that has pretty much painted the picture of my life for many years. However, as some of you may know that has eased off somewhat. I had an interesting moment today.  There was some wonderful worship music on my CD player and I just wanted to kneel and spend some time waiting in the presence of the Lord. No agendas. No plans. No requests. No work.  Just enjoy, delight and worship Him.

This is something that I have done over the years, it has been a part of my walk with the Lord and something that I have encouraged others to do.  Yet today I found that so difficult.  I am so used to being 'useful' that to 'waste' time just enjoying God, simply waiting and worshipping felt awkward.  That gave me a bit of a jolt - have I really become that self-important that unless I'm planning, working, contributing or writing a 'to-do' list I feel like a 'waster'?

This is sad. 

The Westminster Shorter Catechism says that the chief reason for our existence is  to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Do you see that? 
1.  Glorify God
2.  Enjoy God

We certainly do glorify Him by living well, working hard and serving Him.  But we also glorify Him by our worship and by enjoying Him.  Yet today I felt as if I was wasting time unless what I was doing was directly producing some result. 

                      "Trust in the Lord, and do good;
                      Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
                                Delight yourself also in the Lord,
                      And He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:3-4)

There isn't much work going on here. Its about trust, resting, feeding and delighting.  This is what God loves, our worship, our delight in Him. 

Years ago a word was spoken over me, that I was going to come into a time where I circled days on my calendar with this arrangement, "Time Wasted On Jesus"  How I love that thought.  Time is so precious, and I hate wasting it.  But when it comes down to it I would rather be like the woman who broke the precious bottle of perfume over Jesus feet than like the disciples who complained about the waste.

I intend to do go ahead and circle those days, or those hours.  I don't want to become so 'professional' about serving Him that
I forget how to simply love Him - Not ever. 

The picture to the side is of me delighting in the love of my Dad, and my Grandad. I know this picture delights my Dad as much as it does me.  

Never forget how much you are loved by God - Your Heavenly Dad. 

With love,

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hi everyone,

I hope that your year has got off to a great start.  I know for some of you it hasn't, but I pray that you KNOW that you are in the hands of a Great God.

I remember Pastor Lloyd Averill telling us a story at Bible College once.  He said that he was going through an extremely difficult time and was out for a walk thinking about his troubles.  As he stood on the bridge over a river he threw a stick in.  It was quickly carried along and away out of sight and the Lord said to him something like, "things never stay the same for ever, this trouble too shall pass just like the stick has". 

That thought has always given me hope when times are dark.

Can I tell you about a lesson I got the other day?

I woke up a bit cranky and frustrated because the day in front was filled with things that had to be done that I didn't want to do.  It was one of those days when it seems everything I had felt was important for me were side-lined by things that were important to other people!

Anyway I was reminded of that verse that says, "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it".  It's a verse I know well because Jeff often delights in reminding me of it ;)

I felt that the Lord was telling me that He had planned a great day for me, but with my foul attitude I would surely miss it.  I should start doing as Jeff said, and thank Him in faith for what HE had in store for me.

You know what?  I can't remember the details, but I do remember at the end of the day looking back and seeing that this was exactly the truth.  I had been blessed, even in amongst doing things that I had not planned on doing! I'm pretty certain that was the day Jodie brought me a random gift of biscuits in a beautiful tin as well!

I had a similar experience today as well ... no not a random gift of bikkies, but having to do things that weren't on my planned agenda.  I was reading Romans six, and twice in there it says to 'offer yourselves as instruments of righteousness to God'.  What a wonderful thought! Today as I set out to do these things that I wasn't keen on doing, I was going to offer myself as an instrument to Him, and do it cheerfully. 
I have been so blessed in doing it.

Not only that, I got a lot of other things that I was planning done as well!  I am discovering all the time that a good attitude makes all the difference in the world.  And I am happy to keep learning it afresh every day :)

Lots of love to you,