Hi everyone,
Have you every stressed about a plan coming together? Are you the kind of person that likes to know you've got all the ducks in a row? I know that I can be. I have been known to 'jump the gun' a time too often in my efforts to avoid disaster only to make things ten times worse!
There are at least two stories in the Bible that demonstrate God's flawless timing.The first one that comes to mind is found in 2 Kings 8:1-6. The king is enjoying stories from Gehazi, the servant of Elisha. He had just finished hearing about the woman who's son Elisha raised from death, when who should walk in but the woman herself! She had come to ask for the restoration of her land and of course there could not be a better time ever to ask the king when he had just heard this amazing story about her!
The second one I want to focus on is found in Esther 6. If you have a strong sense of justice it is enormously satisfying! It involves a king yet again. The poor guy couldn't sleep and so to try and settle he read through some recent history. As he read he found that a man called Mordecai had been instrumental in saving his life. He asked his advisors if Mordecai had been rewarded for this act and found out that, no, he hadn't.
Now Mordecai had an arch enemy, Haman. Haman was hell bent on destroying Mordecai, in fact he had slipped in a law that empowered him to see not only Mordecai killed, but all of his people. Haman was a very proud man and thought that he was the king's favourite. He wasn't just proud, he was deluded.
Just as the king was trying to work out what to do for Mordecai, Haman came in to ask the king if he could hang Mordecai on some gallows he had purpose built. Before he could utter his request the king asked him for some advice.
"What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honour?"
Mordecai, thinking the king was talking about him went on to request every possible honour of the very highest kind, even to the audacity of riding on the king's horse and wearing the king's robe and crest.
The king liked this idea and replied, "Hurry, take the robe and the horse, as you have suggested, and do so for Mordecai...."
Can you imagine the humiliation that this wicked Haman felt? But what I love about it is the split second timing.
It got me thinking.
Do you know that God has plans for you? Awesome and beautiful plans. Plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Do you know that He is thinking thoughts about you - good thoughts. (Psalm 139:17-18) Just as King Ahasuerus was planning to bless and honour Mordecai, God has planned some great things for you. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
Do you know that the enemy, satan, has plans for you as well? (1 Peter 5:8) So at any given time, and particularly at significant moments in your life both The King of kings and Lord of lords has a plan and satan, our enemy has a plan.
The good news is this - they are not equal in power or authority. God is the Creator, and satan is the created. The other bit of good news is this - God is The Absolute Expert in perfect timing!
We can walk stress free in perfect peace, not ever worrying about how things will turn out. All we need to do is walk in integrity and obedience, trusting God and know that He who calls each of the stars by name can easily manage to organise the details of our lives and carry out to perfection the plans He has for us.
Yes, timing is everything.
How good it is to know that "OUR TIMES ARE IN HIS HANDS"
With love,
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