It's Friday and the end of a busy week. It started off with a day in Toowoomba at our District Leaders Day which was great. Lots of practical inspiration and instruction, and lots of catching up with some really great people, including Emma Rose and my Mum & Dad - Wonderful!!
"Busy" is been a word that has pretty much painted the picture of my life for many years. However, as some of you may know that has eased off somewhat. I had an interesting moment today. There was some wonderful worship music on my CD player and I just wanted to kneel and spend some time waiting in the presence of the Lord. No agendas. No plans. No requests. No work. Just enjoy, delight and worship Him.
This is something that I have done over the years, it has been a part of my walk with the Lord and something that I have encouraged others to do. Yet today I found that so difficult. I am so used to being 'useful' that to 'waste' time just enjoying God, simply waiting and worshipping felt awkward. That gave me a bit of a jolt - have I really become that self-important that unless I'm planning, working, contributing or writing a 'to-do' list I feel like a 'waster'?
This is sad.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism says that the chief reason for our existence is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Do you see that?
1. Glorify God
2. Enjoy God
We certainly do glorify Him by living well, working hard and serving Him. But we also glorify Him by our worship and by enjoying Him. Yet today I felt as if I was wasting time unless what I was doing was directly producing some result.
"Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:3-4)
There isn't much work going on here. Its about trust, resting, feeding and delighting. This is what God loves, our worship, our delight in Him.
Years ago a word was spoken over me, that I was going to come into a time where I circled days on my calendar with this arrangement, "Time Wasted On Jesus" How I love that thought. Time is so precious, and I hate wasting it. But when it comes down to it I would rather be like the woman who broke the precious bottle of perfume over Jesus feet than like the disciples who complained about the waste.

I intend to do go ahead and circle those days, or those hours. I don't want to become so 'professional' about serving Him that
I forget how to simply love Him - Not ever.
The picture to the side is of me delighting in the love of my Dad, and my Grandad. I know this picture delights my Dad as much as it does me.
Never forget how much you are loved by God - Your Heavenly Dad.
With love,
Great Post Lynda, it is often hard for us who love to work to stop and remember that our strength and power actually come from our relationship with Him first and foremost. When we learn to give over everything, including our time He is most delighted and the gifts we receive in return are spectacular. Love the pic! Charissa