So good to get back on here again. The last couple of weeks have been full, and I've had a win!
It's something I knew, but had forgotten. "DO IT AFRAID!"
I had the huge privilege of speaking to the local Christian School at their weekly chapel. I was given the subject matter - Joseph of Genesis. I had the first part of his story when he almost lost his life, but ended up being sold as a slave by his hateful brothers. That doesn't sound too hard does it? The thing that had me afraid was speaking to a new group of people.... who ranged from the age of about four to forty. I was going to speak to the entire school and I didn't know how I was going to engage such a wide age range.
When I am facing something daunting I tend to go into denial mode and put off the preparation. It's some illogical response that allows me to pretend it's not really going to happen! A REALLY bad move that has let me down a couple of times.
The best antidote to apathy is action and the best antidote to fear is to face up and engage the giant!
As I did this I found my fear dissipating and love and compassion increasing. By the time I got to the school I was really looking forward to it.
I need to finish this little part to say that I had the best time ever and thoroughly enjoyed connecting with those young people. It was no way near as hard as I thought as I just shifted my focus on to the important part of this task, which wasn't me, but them!
Now my main thought...
While we were in Church yesterday morning and during the singing my mind went back to the day when I first asked The Lord to come into my life. As I thought about that day I realised that it was the most life changing moment in my entire life. I have had lots of pivotal moments, but it all began with that day. What struck me as I thought about it was the truth that it was an almost silent prayer offered in the backyard as I hung out the washing. I was only 17. No one was there, just me, the washing line and Jesus. No crowds, no music, no preaching. I didn't know I needed Him. I just knew I wanted Him. I simply said, "Lord, I want You in my life".
At that precise moment I didn't know He came. It was a few days later that the reality of His Presence and grace hit me. My life has never been the same since.
This is the point. A young girl of 17 hanging out the washing by herself was heard by Almighty God. The same God who created heaven and earth and maintains it by His power, heard the silent prayer of a teenager. That reality blew me away yesterday morning in Church. And as I thought about it I felt the Lord say, "Never forget that I still hear your quiet prayers, the cry of your heart in all it's simplicity. When life gets big and busy, and it seems the responsibilities are huge, I'm still interested in the private world of Lynda, and I hear ... NEVER FORGET THAT."
To illustrate the point: I have long since left home. I'm all grown up ... grown up enough to be a grandmother. But when I go home to visit Mum & Dad, I'm someone's daughter again. I can take a look in the fridge, in the pantry. I can relax. I have nothing to prove. When I'm there my value isn't in my role or my job, ministry and responsibilities, it's in my relationship with them... their daughter.
I want to pass that thought on to you as well. You may feel that your public world has swallowed up your private world, and you may have forgotten that He is still just, "Dad". The whole huge significance of your life was birthed in that simple beginning, and it's still the basis of your life and service.

Until next time,
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ReplyDeleteLooking forward to your next post :) Tara.