Writing this blog is a bit like diet and exercise.... enormously satisfying, but hard to get around to!!
So much has happened since I last wrote (I seem to say that everytime, but its true) The biggest thing is that my daughter is now engaged to be married, and we are so truly happy for her!
As I write this I am enjoying a week at the Gold Coast, Australia. We have had our bi-annual ACC National Conference and it has been really so good, with significant ministry from Steve Murrell, Reinhard Bonnke and Wayne Alcorn. Let me just summarise....All that God does on earth He does through the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven to me.... a flame with my name on it. The priority of our lives is not building ministry, but lives through helping people follow Christ. I can do this, simply and beautifully just being Lynda, not anyone else, with the power of the 'flame with my name on it'! Of course the same is true for you too, it really is.
Along with the blessing of all this I have had some other treats.
1. I have found the perfect 'mother of the bride dress', and it involved an answered prayer. (Thank you Chris from Gearboxboutique.com of Broadbeach xx) All I can say right now is never think God is not interested in the details of our lives. (Phillipians 4:6)
2. I have caught up with some friends that go way way back to my late teens/early adult life, how nice it was to see them and catch up.
This leads me to my surprising, 'blast from the past'.
You may or may not be surprised to know that I have suffered with an almost crippling sense of inferiority from time to time. Nothing like when I was a girl, but let's say the devil has had a field day keeping me quiet and down because of it.
As I reconnected with one lovely lady she was thrilled to see me and told me that I had been her lifeline back in the time we lived in the same town! I had no idea, and I don't put that out here to boast, but to encourage you. You have no idea how valuable you are to the people around you as you simply be you, simply be faithful and simply be a friend. Be encouraged.
Then we had morning tea with Pastor John & Chris Cullen who were my pastors back in my very early days as a Christian and a young adult struggling with difficult personal circumstances. I will always treasure them as they were my 'safe place' and constantly believed in me and helped me grow.
As you would know I have written a book, "Fistful of Diamonds - living on full when life serves empty" (available at www.drministries.com) and in it I talk about how God showed me that through Christ I don't have to carry the negative image and identity of my past, into my future.
Chris said this morning, "Lynda, one part of your book disappointed me... the ditzy bit. You were never ditzy." I was frankly surprised this morning to hear Chris say that, I never knew they thought of my as anything other than a bundle of potential, but with a lot of baggage!
Now remember readers, I was between the ages of 18 - 21 when they were in my life. I'm not telling you how old I am now, but I am a grandma!!
This is my point..... why did I carry that image of myself as useless and incapable for all those years when I didn't need to? And today as you read this, what image and lable are you needlessly carrying around in your heart that cripples you?
Paul said in Corinthians that when we come to Christ old things pass away, and all things become new. The more I travel along lifes journey with Him, the more I am beginning to realise we simply need to step out believing that this is true.
Dear reader, I want you today to realise that you are far more valuable to the people in your world than you can know, and the gift you bring.... is worth bringing!!
Until next time (hopefully soon), lots of love,
Lynda xx
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