Sunday, October 9, 2011


Life has been chock full of great milestones in the last couple of months... Two major milestones and both very happy ones. In August our second daughter, Emma Rose married Michael. It was a beautiful day from beginning to end. Relaxed, happy and very genuine. Welcome to the family Michael!
The next is the birth of our third grandchild, a beautiful grandaughter, Kiara. She looks so much like her mother did! Congratulations to Nicole & Nigel!
I have another exciting tale to tell.... I have longed for a place where I can worship, pray and study and was saving hard to convert part of our shed into such a place. I had been successful, but as you can see from this photo we had something else that was a higher priority :) "Never mind Lord" I say, "it will have to be next year". Jodie moved out and I decided that her room will be my new study. We went away for a weekend and came back to that very room totally wrecked by water as a water pipe in the ceiling had burst! Guess what? I am getting a totally new study with new everything, cupboards, curtains, carpet and paint, all compliments of insurance! It's as if the Lord saw my desire and my efforts to get this special place and said, "Now I'll just take over and provide it for you".
What in your life are you making your best effort for? Submit it to Him and watch Him do far more than you ever could!
This reminds me of a time at our previous church. The ladies were working hard towards getting some desperately needed carpet in our church. It was a big building and very cold on concrete floors through winter. We had saved a solid $1000 through cake stalls and offerings. Then we had some people visit our church who were ministering to the poorest of the poor in Eastern Europe. It was back in the early 90's. There was not even any panadol for pain relief in surgery. As we listened I felt the Lord lead me to give our precious $1000 to this cause. It may be uncomfortable to be on cold floors on Sunday morning, but that was nothing in the face of this need. Anyway, WHAT WE HAD WORKED HARD TO RAISE WAS NOT ENOUGH FOR THE CARPET, but it was a huge amount to these impoverished people. I consulted with the ladies, after all, they had worked towards this, and we agreed.
The very week the cheque was cashed someone gifted the money to the church for the carpet! It just proved again, that God is utterly and totally aware of what we are up to and well able to do more than we can ask or think.
May God's power and grace be piled on to your efforts, as you commit those efforts to Him!
With love,

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hi everyone,

The day is bleak and cold, but I am enjoying a quiet home, some beautiful music and about to make some garden vegetable soup with my new blender! Days like this really nourish my soul.

The house is quiet because Jeff's at work, and Jodie is away at a camp. I remember the days when my house was very loud and very chaotic, a husband who mostly worked from home and four children fairly close together made sure of that! Can I be honest? I don't miss those days!!

I was out shopping this morning, and of course the conversation was about how really cold it is, and I don't really like winter, but to be frank I wouldn't like endless days of the same weather, no matter how perfect they may be. The bracing cold seems to wake me up.

Life brings different seasons, and I'm not telling you anything you don't already know there, and the changes can go from being a bit unsettling to very traumatic. I'm on the threshold of a couple of changes, in work and home. My job profile is changing, the hours will be changing, and while it is very welcome, hmm.... really welcome because it is going to release me to do things that are really very important to me, I find myself feeling a little unsure of myself.

The other thing is that Jodie is making serious plans to move out of home.

Thats it.
......No more children at home.

She's not moving far, and it's a happy move... simply her time to fly, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand the thought of just the two of us (Jeff & I) here together is nothing short of delightful, and I am both relieved and thrilled to come to this time in our lives feeling this way! But on the other hand, I am going to miss her being here, she's the last of my children and apart from that, she is great company.

I don't know about you, but I can have a couple of unhelpful responses to change.

One is that I try to figure out ahead of time what the change will 'look like', and somehow am surprised and dissapointed when what I can see ahead for myself isn't happening here and now. I need to relax and enjoy the transition. The Lord kindly revealed to me yesterday, that if what I can see ahead of me was on my plate now, I would fail miserably, because I simply am not in a position right now to sustain it. I still have some unfinished business of this season, even if it is nearly over!

The other unhelpful response is to want to 'hibernate' or run back to the past because I (we) love the safe and familiar, and I'm afraid of the new.

It's at times like this that I absolutely love God, I love the Word, and I am so grateful for Jesus coming and making a walking-talking relationship with God possible.

The one thing that is absolutely priceless to us in a changing world is having someone in our life that we can count on to always be there for us, not someone fickle or moody, someone we can rely on to stand with us while we deal with change. Someone who has become our 'safe place'.

Listen to what the Bible has to say about God in the face of change....

Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, so He does not lie, He isn't human so He doesn't change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?" (NLT)

Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord, I change not" Malachi 3:6

James 1:17 " Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever"

Matthew 28:20 "...I am with you always, even to the end of the world"

So in the face of change what I need to do is settle down, not try and rush into it ahead of time, or run back into the security of the familiar... but simply trust The Unchanging One who has promised to never leave me or forsake me. With that attitude of faith I can look forward to what the changes are going to bring into my life.

I'm ready to be 'woken up' by a change in season!

Thank you for taking the time to read, and lots of love,

Friday, May 6, 2011


Hi everyone,

Writing this blog is a bit like diet and exercise.... enormously satisfying, but hard to get around to!!

So much has happened since I last wrote (I seem to say that everytime, but its true) The biggest thing is that my daughter is now engaged to be married, and we are so truly happy for her!

As I write this I am enjoying a week at the Gold Coast, Australia. We have had our bi-annual ACC National Conference and it has been really so good, with significant ministry from Steve Murrell, Reinhard Bonnke and Wayne Alcorn. Let me just summarise....All that God does on earth He does through the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven to me.... a flame with my name on it. The priority of our lives is not building ministry, but lives through helping people follow Christ. I can do this, simply and beautifully just being Lynda, not anyone else, with the power of the 'flame with my name on it'! Of course the same is true for you too, it really is.

Along with the blessing of all this I have had some other treats.

1. I have found the perfect 'mother of the bride dress', and it involved an answered prayer. (Thank you Chris from of Broadbeach xx) All I can say right now is never think God is not interested in the details of our lives. (Phillipians 4:6)

2. I have caught up with some friends that go way way back to my late teens/early adult life, how nice it was to see them and catch up.

This leads me to my surprising, 'blast from the past'.

You may or may not be surprised to know that I have suffered with an almost crippling sense of inferiority from time to time. Nothing like when I was a girl, but let's say the devil has had a field day keeping me quiet and down because of it.

As I reconnected with one lovely lady she was thrilled to see me and told me that I had been her lifeline back in the time we lived in the same town! I had no idea, and I don't put that out here to boast, but to encourage you. You have no idea how valuable you are to the people around you as you simply be you, simply be faithful and simply be a friend. Be encouraged.

Then we had morning tea with Pastor John & Chris Cullen who were my pastors back in my very early days as a Christian and a young adult struggling with difficult personal circumstances. I will always treasure them as they were my 'safe place' and constantly believed in me and helped me grow.

As you would know I have written a book, "Fistful of Diamonds - living on full when life serves empty" (available at and in it I talk about how God showed me that through Christ I don't have to carry the negative image and identity of my past, into my future.

Chris said this morning, "Lynda, one part of your book disappointed me... the ditzy bit. You were never ditzy." I was frankly surprised this morning to hear Chris say that, I never knew they thought of my as anything other than a bundle of potential, but with a lot of baggage!

Now remember readers, I was between the ages of 18 - 21 when they were in my life. I'm not telling you how old I am now, but I am a grandma!!

This is my point..... why did I carry that image of myself as useless and incapable for all those years when I didn't need to? And today as you read this, what image and lable are you needlessly carrying around in your heart that cripples you?

Paul said in Corinthians that when we come to Christ old things pass away, and all things become new. The more I travel along lifes journey with Him, the more I am beginning to realise we simply need to step out believing that this is true.

Dear reader, I want you today to realise that you are far more valuable to the people in your world than you can know, and the gift you bring.... is worth bringing!!

Until next time (hopefully soon), lots of love,

Lynda xx

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Youth - awesome!

Just a very brief word about "Gen Y".....

This summer that is almost drawing to an end has been traumatic and horrifying what with floods, cyclones, fires and earthquakes. It is hard to imagine so much trauma could fit into such a short space of time.

Well I just want to put this thought out there.....

They say young people (gen Y) are entitled, soft and selfish. I think that what we have witnessed has put paid to that. The volunteers that have shown up to help with clean up, encouragement, and helping in whatever way they can has been made up of many different ages - however, no one can deny that the massive number of young people has been staggering and inspiring.

They have proven that gen Y's when fronted with something bigger than themselves, are big enough and selfless enough to give their time, energy, courage and compassion to do whatever is needed to help out.

I reckon with these young people our future is looking bright - I think these young people are awesome!

Gen Yers, hold your heads up, pat yourselves on the back and go into your future with confidence... you're certainly up for it!

With love,

Friday, February 25, 2011


Hi everyone,

I was thinking this morning about that challenging idea of doing the right thing. It's not too difficult to do the right thing once, but to keep doing the right thing over and over again can be difficult.

We want to do the right thing, we want to please the Lord, we set out to do just that and then get 'weary in well-doing' as time goes by. This weariness can cause us to get angry and want to give up. We might find ourselves saying such things as, "it doesn't work anyway - why bother?"

What brings the spark of life into our efforts of doing the right thing?

1. FAITH. We need to actually put some belief and trust into our efforts. It's not really a good idea to put all our faith into people because they may not realise what we are trying to do, or they may not care leaving us hurt and dissapointed. We need to put our faith in the Lord.


Because He has promised that He notices, and will reward us for our efforts. It may seem to take a long time in coming, but it will come!

"So lets not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we dont give up" Galatians 6:9

2. LOVE. You know how we feel when someone does something for us, but you know instinctively that there is a 'price tag' to it? Well, even though the Lord promises to reward those who dont give up doing the right thing, how much better it is to say to the Lord, "I'm not doing this to get anything, I just want to please you", thus simply making our obedience a gift to Him.

This is the essence of true worship and true faith.

Here is a favourite saying I heard once....

"My desire is to minister to the audience of One"

This may not sound very appealing to you, but I have found that when I mix my obedience with the element of faith, it raises my level of expectation and hope.......and when I mix my obedience with love, it adds sparkle and joy to what otherwise may be dull drudgery.

A much better way to live the Christian life I'm sure!

Perhaps if we all remember to apply this truth (myself included) others that look at Christians may get a pleasant surprise, and Christianity would lose it's reputation for being legalistic and boring.

Now there's something to believe for!

Aside from all these comments I sincerely hope that you are doing well, and enjoying life.

Much love,


PS. My book "A Fistful of Diamonds, living on full when life serves empty" can now be ordered and paid for online at making it not only a great book to have, but an easy book to get hold of!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Great News...

Hi everyone,

I have some great news, but first of all.....

.....What an amazing few weeks we have had since Christmas! For the last 20 years or more the word 'drought' has been a very familiar word...we have almost grown to expect that 'drought' is normal.

However, in the last few weeks that has changed. We have been dealing with a new word... 'flood'.

No - we're not going to adopt this as the new normal!!

However, with quiet confidence we can expect that once the crisis of the flood is over, the drought be broken, and, maybe a healthy amount to rain to refresh the earth, water our crops and a return us to good seasons.

Can I just say that the crisis will continue for a long time after the media have forgotten this. There will be lots of rebuilding of property and livelihoods.

I am reminded of Psalm 18. The psalmist cries out for help and the answer comes in the form of dark clouds and storms. It seems that the Lord came to the psalmist clothed in catastrophe. The result of this is that the psalmist finds himself delivered and established in a broad place with plenty of room to move.

My prayer for those who are struggling with flood waters at the moment, is that when it all settles down they will know the restoring power of God adding to their efforts in rebuilding.

There is something else that we can draw from this. Sometimes in our lives we accept as 'normal' things that are not. I know that normal is a relative word, so perhaps 'healthy' is a better word. May we realise that in Christ, we can believe for 'healthy' and not accept anything less than that as 'normal'.
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it
more abundantly." John 10:10

Now for my good news..... as you can see by the image my new book, "A Fistful of Diamonds - living on full when life serves empty" is now published! It is a beautifully bound hardback book with colour illustrations and a silver ribbon marker. If you would like to know any more information about this book you can email me on
You can also take a look at my website There you will find some more information.
Rich blessings!!