I had a chat with some people this morning about acceptance. Not acceptance of circumstances..acceptance of ourselves.
Do you know that we can sometimes appear really calm and accepting of difficult situations, unfair treatment and demands, but inside rage against ourselves with self-rejection, or a painful conviction that we are not accepted by the people around us.
I know what this feels like. I grew up with the idea that I was ugly and stupid. I was desperately shy and socially inept. My parents would be surprised to know this because this wasn't communicated to me at home. But amongst my peers I struggled deeply. Let me be totally transparent for a moment. I remember at the age of about eleven writing a letter to my class mates asking them what I had done wrong, why didn't they like me?
You guessed it... I was the laughing stock!
When I was in my teens I would not leave the house without make-up on. It was my 'safety mask'. Without it I felt naked and vulnerable. So whether it was to work, or to shop, or to visit people, whatever it was....I would not walk out the front door without make up on.
Then at the age of 17 I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. Of all the decisions I have ever made I can say without exception this was far and away the most life changing one I ever made.
For the first time in my life I knew total forgiveness, a sense of purpose and destiny.... and a true sense of belonging! This had nothing to do with anyone else, it was a purely personal connection with Him.
There is a beautiful scripture in Ephesians 1:6
".......He made us accepted in the beloved"
This change in me was real. Shortly after this life changing decision we were going out to a church youth meeting. It was the first time I had ever gone to one of these meetings. I decided to wear casual clothes and ..... no make up! As I ventured out I was surprised and delighted to recognise not a sense of vulnerability and fear, but of freedom!
This sense of acceptance doesn't just impact our need to look good. It impacts our need to perform well, to 'fit-in', to be heard, to be recognised etc. No matter what life and the people in our world throw at us, knowing that God accepts us, truly accepts us is like coming home after a hard day at work, kicking off our shoes and totally relaxing with the people we love.
Can I encourage you. If you struggle with a sense of being unacceptable just being you, understand that God knows you inside and out, and He loves you deeply. No need to dress up and perform....you're OK!
PS: By the way, I do love to dress well, and I do love to wear make up, but now it's for my own personal enjoyment, not self-defence ;)
Until next time,
much love,
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