I have just enjoyed being at our National Australian Christian Churches Conference at the Gold Coast, and while there I absolutely loved the time of worship.
It was in that moment of thunderous worship that I was reminded of my very first encounter with God....
I was a 17 year old girl, and while hanging out some washing, prayed a simple prayer..... "God, I want you in my life."
Did I know that He had heard me in that moment?
Was anyone else there coaching me?
But a tiny few days later, I found out that He had heard me as He flooded my soul with the greatest sense of cleansing forgiveness I had ever known.
Fast track 41 years. I find myself not alone in the backyard praying a prayer that I hadn't realized Heaven had heard. I'm standing with thousands of worshipers enjoying that same tangible Presence of God that I experienced all those years ago, a few days later from my washing line prayer.
And in that huge crowd of worshipers I was 17 again; but with so much more confidence - and whether in a crowd of thousands, or in my own backyard I have enjoyed His Presence over and over again.
Let me encourage you to not despise the day of small beginnings .... You never know where those holy moments will lead you. The God who hears the roar of thousands at worship also hears the 'one' whether in their own backyard - or in the crowd.
Until next time,
with love, Lynda