I feel almost embarrassed to be writing, it's been so long since I have! (Please hold that thought)
However, since that last post we have enjoyed two huge things that are noteworthy...
1. We found out that we have another grandchild on the way.
2. I fulfilled a long-term dream...(one that I felt was never going to happen) I travelled to England with Jeff. I went there in 2001 with my parents, but promised myself I would not go back without him.
It was really great to show him places I knew and grew up in. Homes, schools and favourite towns. We also went to places I had never been before. I really enjoyed watching him discover and respond to the places, people and culture. My favourite of Jeff's reactions was to the Bath Cricket Club. He actually was envious of those young boys who get to train there and was amazed at the beauty of the cricket ground environment!
I discovered that my totally Aussie husband could easily settle into British life!
We caught up with my cousins and had the best time with them. Considering we have had virtually nothing to do with each other since 1974, (in apart from a couple of hours in 2001 with Teresa, the only contact we have had is 'virtual' through Facebook). It was amazing to feel so comfortable with each other! It was one of the highlights of our holiday.
We were travelling with my parents, and mum got to enjoy something she had been waiting decades for, and thought may never happen... She visited her favourite school in Ayrshire and even got a guided tour! The year she was there? 1953. I loved the look on her face as we walked around the school.... Mum was 13 again!
Now to the "Never too late thought".
A few months ago while minding my own business, the following question rose up in my mind refusing to be ignored... "If God waited till Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children... then gave them Isaac and Job lost everything including adult children and still had time to receive double restoration, Can God do it again?". Now before you get all credulous, I'm not talking about having any more children! But there has been something in our lives that we have felt was beyond redeeming, and I knew the Lord was speaking into that situation. Faith was ignited in my heart, and I know that I know He will do it...
But faith has feet.
Since coming home I have restarted my studies towards a Diploma in Christian Ministry. I have found some of the material intensely practical. Two of the issues have been pro-activity and making relationships a priority. Since watching those lectures we have been able to put some things in place that actually do 'proactively' set us up to fulfil that long-term dream, and what previously had felt out of reach, is now a work in progress!
I have also re-connected with an old friend whom we had almost let slip. The timing of the call could not have been better, and her contact details are now safely saved on my mobile. I am looking forward to investing in that relationship in a far more proactive way than the annual Christmas card!
So what have you put in the 'too-late, too-hard basket'? Let me point you to these amazing verses...
"Then God said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Listen to what they’re saying: ‘Our bones are dried up, our hope is gone, there’s nothing left of us.’
“Therefore, prophesy. Tell them, ‘God, the Master, says: I’ll dig up your graves and bring you out alive—O my people! (Ezekiel 37:11-12 The Message)
Do you see that? These bones were dead and buried. Yet God promises to not just bring life to dead bones, but to bring them out from graves. Once something is buried, it's a declaration that the thing is over. There is no hope. But God promises out of that no-hope situation to resurrect and bring back life!
Let me encourage you to pray, to give your dead situations to Him. Hear what He has to say about it. And when you hear His promise breathed into your heart - believe, and get proactive. Make the decisions you need to make. Put words and actions to your belief and see Him at work.
Whether it's a life long dream, a relationship, or some issues that need tidying up.... or even an overdue task (like a blog)... get to it!
With love,
until next time (and it will be soon)
Lynda :)
PS. Thanks to Jeff for asking me the other day how long it was since I wrote on my blog! Your encouragement was priceless. It got me over the embarrassment of fronting up online after so long.